Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We got an email from our agency yesterday saying we had a LID. LID stands for Log in Date. That is the date that China officially logs in your dossier (paperwork) into their system. Our LID is June 22, 2009!


  1. Yea!! Congratulations!! Always good to have the paperwork officially behind you and recognized by China!!

  2. Congrats on your LID, we are LID today for our SN son in Zhejiang! I hope the wait is short for both of us. God bless, Susan

  3. yeah!! so excited for all of you! What a great month to celebrate 3 new additions!! love, stephanie

  4. I do not check in often, but after reading Shannon's blog checked yours out. Surprise! you should have told us! (about your LID). We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our new grandaughter.

  5. Woohoo!!!! That is GREAT news and another step closer to your little one!!!


  6. YEAH!!! Hope we are not too far behind you. Hey, come to think of it, we *could* be in China together if you get a referral in the next couple of months and we are LID about the same time!!! That would be cool!!!

    Congratulations!!! Isn't it so much easier the 2nd time around on the paperwork!
